

About Me

Hello! Do you think you need help? Do you feel like you are at your wits end, feel lost, and don't know what to do or who to talk to who you can trust to say private or secret things to? Well, don't feel like you are all alone. Most everyone feels like that at one time in their lives or other. I am here to help you deal with and get past those fears and doubts. Whatever your problems are, whatever your mental health concerns are, private and secure counseling is the answer! I specialize in trauma, whatever trauma that may be, an accident, abuse, loss, or getting stung by a bee; all are traumas that I can help you move beyond. Many people do not seek therapy for PTSD as they are afraid to process that trauma, especially with a stranger. 

I understand this; the first thing that you and I will do, is establish a therapeutic relationship built on trust and honesty will a genuine belief in a good outcome. Next, I will teach you several skills that will help you not to be triggered. Then, if you want, we process the trauma in a way that will not retraumatize you. I utilize several methods in my therapeutic approach, customized to you, based on your needs. You and I will find the key to unlocking your happiness in life.